Saturday, August 29, 2020

The famous Hollywood actor claims that video games are a medium for revolutionary stories of the future


Actor Joseph Gordon-Levitt said he believes video games are a medium that will mark storytelling in the future.

The eternal debates over whether video games are art have subsided a bit, so it's time for a somewhat controversial opinion. Actor Joseph Gordon-Levitt, best known for his roles in Inception and 500 Days of Summer, recently guest-starred in a hot interview on First We Feast's YouTube channel, where eating spicy and spicy food he expressed his views on video games in the context of storytelling. creating stories.

Gordon-Levitt says that video games are the narrative format of the future and that they offer completely new possibilities that are not currently achievable in the film format.

“I don’t think filmmakers will be the ones to figure out how to make video games a medium for the future of narration. But video games seem to me to be the most revolutionary medium for storytelling. ” Said, Gordon-Levitt.

Of course, all of us who play games, and especially those who design them, know about the possibilities that open up with interactive media. But it also brings with it a set of other challenges that the video game industry still addresses.

As for Gordon-Levitt, it is worth noting that he is no stranger to the video game industry. His company HitRECord has a pretty solid relationship with Ubisoft. They are supplied with music and other types of materials that end up in games through various creators. We'll see the results of that collaboration in the upcoming game Watch Dogs: Legion, and then in Ubisoft's second hit Beyond Good and Evil 2 - if it ever comes out.

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