Monday, September 14, 2020

In Crusader Kings 3, Genghis Khan becomes a skater legend

A very unusual user modification for the strategic hit Crusader Kings 3 has appeared in the optics, which adds to the game - skateboarding!

PC exclusive Crusader Kings 3 allows players to print some bizarre stories. One thus developed the custom of ritual cannibalism for his faction, and after the conquest of Rome, he consumed the Pope. A slightly less brutal story is related to the user modification of Tony Hawk’s Pro Crusaders 1 + 2, which is roughly what the name suggests - a skater mode for Crusader Kings 3.

Created as a joke for a guy who couldn't decide between playing THPS 1 + 2 and Crusader Kings 3, this mode introduces the Skater character trait into the game. No matter that skateboarding did not exist at the time when CK3 took place, the mod was very elaborated through the stories about the first performance of the trick The 900, skater rivalries and mutual agreements. Namely, Genghis Khan becomes a skater legend in this fashion and as such does not attack other rulers who do skateboarding in their free time in order to get rid of stress.

You can download the modification for the Steam version of the game via the Steam Workshop.

In Crusader Kings 3, Genghis Khan becomes a skater legend

A very unusual user modification for the strategic hit Crusader Kings 3 has appeared in the optics, which adds to the game - skateboarding! ...