Saturday, June 6, 2020

Bloodborne (remaster) reportedly arrives on PC and PlayStation 5

Several sources claim that the current PS4 exclusive Bloodborne will soon appear on new platforms - including Steam and PlayStation 5.

The Bloodborne action game has been the silent suffering of all players who don’t own a PlayStation 4 console for years. It can be played on a PC via the PlayStation Now service, but let's be realistic Bloodborne has never been a technically well-done game on a Sony console. Even on the PlayStation 4 Pro, the game didn’t officially spin above 30 frames per second. Many have therefore called for the game’s arrival on the PC platform and it seems the game is really on its way to Steam.

For now, these are still rumors, but it is increasingly heard that a remaster is being prepared with better textures, faster loads, and support for ultra-wide monitors. Now, it is mentioned that the game would also come to the PlayStation 5 console, it is just a question of what exactly that means. It is likely that the original Bloodborne will be able to play on the PS5 console, but whether the game will get any next-gen update for the PlayStation 5 is not yet known.

In case Bloodborne is sold as a separate remaster, it will be a kind of a slap in the face to PlayStation owners because they would try to trick the old game under the new one. In addition, such a thing would be a shame because the PS4 console unofficially managed to get a smooth 60 frames per second for Bloodborne, but the game developers never made it possible with an official update.

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